Million Dollar Baby (2004) and Palliative Care

  • José Elías García Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca joegas[at]
  • Enrique García Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Lucila Merino Marcos
    Hospital Universitario de Salamanca


The worst misfortune that can befall an old, tormented and fearful boxing trainer is that the pupil he is training and of whom he is very fond should have a lesion as serious as a quadriplegia. This is the crux of the plot in Million Dollar Baby. A person who suffers a quadriplegia sees how most of her physical and sensorial abilities disappear and habitually suffers psychological disturbances requiring palliative medical care. Relatives are subjected to great stress and suffering. All these aspects are reflected, in general accurately, in the film.
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García Sánchez, J. E., García Sánchez, E., & Merino Marcos, M. L. (2008). Million Dollar Baby (2004) and Palliative Care. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 3(1), 5–13. Retrieved from

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