Towards a «Writable» Translation: Between, by Christine Brooke-Rose


The aim of this essay is to consider the peculiar uses of language in the translation of a novel as complex as Between, by Christine Brooke-Rose. Written in many languages at the same time, this text construes reality through «second-order signs», to use Roland Barthes’ phrase. Thus, my theoretical foundation is mainly the kind of «writerly text» hypothesized by Barthes in S/Z, but also other concepts such as Jacques Derrida’s «monolinguism of the Other» and Rosi Braidotti’s «nomadism». Taking all these notions into account, the essay favors a liminal, never conclusive, rizomatic translation.
  • Referencias
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Vidal Claramonte, M. C. África. (2015). Towards a «Writable» Translation: Between, by Christine Brooke-Rose. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 1(1), 87–98. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

M.ª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación. C/ Francisco Vitoria, 6-16. 37008 Salamanca España