Experimental Philosophy Yesterday and Today: Review of a Philosophical Tradition in Process of (Re)Consolidation


‘Experimental philosophy’ involves a homonym that often generates confusion, since it is possible to characterize with the same name two lines of philosophical research that at first sight are quite different. In the first place, in a narrow sense it refers to a perspective that emerged with the purpose of questioning the methods generally used in traditional philosophical analysis, considering them purely speculative (Knobe et al., 2012). Specifically, it focuses on the criticism of the type of a priori analysis that is usually carried out in analytic philosophy. Broadly speaking, it takes as the starting point for its research the intuitions that people without philosophical training hold about certain philosophical problems (Knobe and Nichols, 2017). Secondly, ‘experimental philosophy’, in a wider sense, refers to a much older perspective, which emerged around the 17th century. Some representatives of this approach are Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, John Locke, Blaise Pascal and David Hume. In this article we will argue that the ‘broader’ versions of experimental philosophy in its narrow sense share several points in common with the wider sense. In other words, we will analyze the hypothesis that behind the most recent trends in contemporary experimental philosophy it is possible to find continuities with the tradition initiated by the natural philosophers of the 17th century. These continuities would be relevant enough to make plausible the idea that experimental philosophy, in its general sense, can be understood as a philosophical tradition that, despite its intermittences, still persists nowadays and, even more, is currently in process of reconsolidation.
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