Intellectual property and economic integration in the Andean Community: Barriers to an Andean Patent


This paper presents the first results of research aimed at evaluating the model industrial property protection in the Andean Community of Nations. The common system of industrial property and its implementation in each of the member countries of the Union is analyzed. It also analyzes the internal rules of the Andean countries, and concludes by pointing out some political, economic and regulatory hurdles that undermine the policies of integration of CAN, and preclude the creation of an Andean Community patent. Andean legislation and the domestic legislation on industrial property in the Andean Community of Nations were analyzed. We reviewed literature and technical reports on innovation and industrial property in the region, national innovation programs and indicators patents.
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Lugo Silva, C. (2015). Intellectual property and economic integration in the Andean Community: Barriers to an Andean Patent. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 5(1), 123–149. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Carlos Lugo Silva

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA – Dirección General Calle 57 No. 8-69, Bogotá D.C (Colombia)