Conflicts in Software: An Approach to the Incidence of Forking in Free Software Projects
Abstract This research aims to extend the framework of the current studies in philosophy or sociology of technology, making an approach to a practice emerged in the communities and free software movement of last years, known as fork. A practice described initially as making a copy of the source code of software to be developed in other direction than the original code, but analyzed in detail suggests a wide range of issues concerning to the specific behavior of these communities.
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GAMALIELSSON, Jonas y LUNDELL, Björn (2012): «Long-Term Sustainability of Open Source Software Communities beyond a Fork: A Case Study of LibreOffice», Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability, 8th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2012, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 10-13, 2012. Proceedings, pp. 29-47. Disponible en: 978-3-642-33442-93.
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NyMAN, Linus (2011): «Understanding Code Forking in Open Source Software». Disponible en:
NyMAN, Linus y MIKKONEN, Tommi (2011): «To Fork or Not to Fork: Fork Motivations in SourceForge Projects», International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, volumen 3, pp. 1-9. Disponible en: nal/international-journal-open-source-software/1123.
NyMAN, Linus et al. (2011): «Forking: the Invisible Hand of Sustainability in Open Source Software», Proceedings of SOS 2011: Towards Sustainable Open Source. Disponible en:
NyMAN, Linus et al. (2012): «Perspectives on Code Forking and Sustainability in Open Source Software: the Invisible Hand of Sustainability in Open Source Software», en The proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems. Disponible en: and-sustainability-open-s ource-software.
NyMAN, Linus y LINDMAN, Juho (2013): «Code Forking, Governance, and Sustainability in Open Source Software», Technology Innovation Management Review, vol. January, pp. 7-12. Disponible en: cle_PDF/NymanLindman_TIMReview_January2013.pdf.
QUINTANILLA, Miguel ángel (1988): Tecnología: un enfoque filosófico, Madrid, Fundesco.
RAyMOND, Eric S. (1996): The Jargon File. Localizable en:
ROBLES, Gregorio y GONZáLEZ-BARAHONA, Jesús M. (2009): «Evolution of the core team of developers in libre software projects», en MSR ‘09 Proceedings of the 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, pp. 167-170. Disponible en: id=1591154.
ROBLES, Gregorio; GONZáLEZ-BARAHONA, Jesús M. (2012): «A Comprehensive Study of Software Forks: Dates, Reasons and Outcomes», en OSS 2012 The Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems. Disponible en: http://flos-
RUBENS, Paul (2010): «Open Source Software comes to a fork in the code». Disponible en: Source-Software-Comes-to-a-Fork-in-the-Code.htm.
SCACCHI, Walter (2010): «Computer game mods, modders, modding, and the mod scene», First Monday, 15(5). Disponible en: php/fm/article/view/2965.
VISEUR, Robert (2012): «Forks impacts and motivations in free and open source projects». Disponible en: forks-2012.pdf.
WHEELER, David A. (2007): «Why Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS, FLOSS, or FOSS)? Look at the Numbers!». Disponible en: http://www.dwheeler. com/oss_fs_why.html#forking.
WINNER, Langdon (1987): La Ballena y el reactor: una búsqueda de los límites en la era de la alta tecnología, Barcelona, Gedisa.
BARNES, Bruce H. y BOLLINGER, Terry (1991): «Making reuse cost-effective», IEEE Software, 8 (1), pp. 13-24. Disponible en: papers2003/P-r12-barnes91.pdf.
BEZROUKOV, Nicolai (1999): «A second look at the Cathedral and the Bazar», First Monday, 4 (12). Disponible en: view/708/618.
BITZER, Jürgen y SCHRöDER, Philipp J. H. (2005): «The impact of entry and competition by open source software on innovation activity», International Business Section, Working Paper 2005-12. Disponible en: io/papers/0512/0512001.pdf.
BRONCANO, Fernando (2000): «El control social de la tecnología y los valores internos del ingeniero», en Mundos Artificiales: Filosofía del Cambio Tecnológico, México, Editorial Paidós.
CAPILUPPI, Andrea; BOLDyREFF, Cornelia y STOL, Klaas-Jan (2011): «Successful reuse of software components: A report from the open source perspective», University of Limerick Institutional Repository. Disponible en: dle/10344/1745.
CROWSTON, Kevin y HOWISON, James (2005): «The social structure of Free and Open Source software developmnet», First Monday, 10 (2). Disponible en: http://first-
DE LA CUEVA, Javier (2013): «Software Libre, ciudadanía virtuosa y democracia», incluido en el blog Derecho de Internet. Disponible en: http://derecho-internet. org/node/577.
DESHPANDE, Amit y RIEHLE, Dirk (2008): «The Total Growth of Open Source», en Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Open Source Systems, Springer Verlag. Localizable en: open-source/.
DIBONA, Cris; OCKMAN, Sam y STONE, Mark (1999): «Introduction», en DIBONA, C.; OCKMAN, S. and STONE, M. (eds.), Open Sources. Voices from the Open SOURCE Revolution, O’Reilly, pp. 1-17. Disponible en: opensources/book/intro.html.
ECHEVERRíA, Javier (2001): «Tecnociencia y Sistema de Valores», en LóPEZ CEREZO, J. A. y SáNCHEZ RON, J. M. (eds.), Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad y Cultura en el cambio de siglo, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva/OEI, pp. 221-230.
ECHEVERRíA, Javier (2002): Ciencia y Valores, Barcelona, Editorial Destino.
ERNST, Neil A.; EASTERBROOK, Steve y MyLOPOULOS, John (2010): «Code forking in open-source software: a requirements perspective», en, abs/1004.2889. Disponible en:
FELLER, Joseph y FITZGERALD, Brian (2000): «A Framework Analysis of the Open Source Software Development Paradigm», en 21st International Conference of Information Systems, pp. 58-69, Atlanta. Disponible en: system/files/p58-feller.pdf.
FOGEL, Karl (2005): Producing Open Source Software-How to run a successful free software project, O’Reilly. Disponible en:
FUNG, Kam H.; AURUM, Aybücke y TANG, David (2012): «Social Forking in Oper Source Software: An Empirical Study», en Proceedings of the CAISE’12 Forum at the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CaiSE), pp. 50-57. Disponible en:
GAMALIELSSON, Jonas y LUNDELL, Björn (2012): «Long-Term Sustainability of Open Source Software Communities beyond a Fork: A Case Study of LibreOffice», Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability, 8th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2012, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 10-13, 2012. Proceedings, pp. 29-47. Disponible en: 978-3-642-33442-93.
HAEFLIGER, Stefan; VON KROGH, Georg y SPAETH, Sebastian (2008): «Code Reuse in Open Source Software», Management Science, vol. 54, n.º 1, pp. 180-193. Disponible en:
HIMANEN, Pekka (2001): La ética del hacker y el espíritu de la era de la información, Barcelona, Editorial Destino.
ISODA, Sadahiro (1995): «Experiences of a software reuse project», Journal of Systems and Software, volumen 30, pp. 171-186. Disponible en: http://dl.acm. org/citation.cfm?id=211872.
KUUSIRATI, Henri y SEPPäNEN, Janne (2012): «Forks in Open Source Software Projects». Disponible en: ossd_2012_kuusirati_sepp anen.pdf.
LERNER, John y TIROLE, Jean (2002): «Some simple economics of open source». JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, 50 (2), pp. 197-234. Disponible en: Tirole_2002.pdf.
MATEOS GARCíA, Juan y STEINMUELLER, Edward W. (2003): «Applying the Open Source Development Model to Knowledge Work», INK Open Source reasearch working paper n.º 2. Disponible en:
MOCKUS, Audrey; FIELDING, Roy y HERBSLEB, James (2002): «Two Case Studies Of Open Source Software Development: Apache And Mozilla», ACM Transactionson Software Engineering and Methodology. Disponible en: papers/mozilla.pdf.
MOEN, Rick (1999): «Fear of Forking-How the GPL Keeps Linux Unified and Strong», Linuxcare, noviembre. Disponible en: Law/forking.html.
MOODy, Glyn (2009): «Who owns commercial open source and can forks work?», Linux Journal, 23 de abril. Disponible en: tent/who-owns-commercial-open-source-%E2%80%93-and-can-forks-work. (2011): «The Deeper Significance of LibreOffice 3.3», ComputerWorld UK, enero. Disponible en: the-deeper-signific ance-of-libreoffice-33/index.htm.
NEVILLE-NEIL, George V. (2011): «Think before you fork», Communications of the ACM, 54, pp. 34-35, junio. Disponible en: cfm?doid=1953122.1953137.
NyMAN, Linus (2011): «Understanding Code Forking in Open Source Software». Disponible en:
NyMAN, Linus y MIKKONEN, Tommi (2011): «To Fork or Not to Fork: Fork Motivations in SourceForge Projects», International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, volumen 3, pp. 1-9. Disponible en: nal/international-journal-open-source-software/1123.
NyMAN, Linus et al. (2011): «Forking: the Invisible Hand of Sustainability in Open Source Software», Proceedings of SOS 2011: Towards Sustainable Open Source. Disponible en:
NyMAN, Linus et al. (2012): «Perspectives on Code Forking and Sustainability in Open Source Software: the Invisible Hand of Sustainability in Open Source Software», en The proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems. Disponible en: and-sustainability-open-s ource-software.
NyMAN, Linus y LINDMAN, Juho (2013): «Code Forking, Governance, and Sustainability in Open Source Software», Technology Innovation Management Review, vol. January, pp. 7-12. Disponible en: cle_PDF/NymanLindman_TIMReview_January2013.pdf.
QUINTANILLA, Miguel ángel (1988): Tecnología: un enfoque filosófico, Madrid, Fundesco.
RAyMOND, Eric S. (1996): The Jargon File. Localizable en:
ROBLES, Gregorio y GONZáLEZ-BARAHONA, Jesús M. (2009): «Evolution of the core team of developers in libre software projects», en MSR ‘09 Proceedings of the 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, pp. 167-170. Disponible en: id=1591154.
ROBLES, Gregorio; GONZáLEZ-BARAHONA, Jesús M. (2012): «A Comprehensive Study of Software Forks: Dates, Reasons and Outcomes», en OSS 2012 The Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems. Disponible en: http://flos-
RUBENS, Paul (2010): «Open Source Software comes to a fork in the code». Disponible en: Source-Software-Comes-to-a-Fork-in-the-Code.htm.
SCACCHI, Walter (2010): «Computer game mods, modders, modding, and the mod scene», First Monday, 15(5). Disponible en: php/fm/article/view/2965.
VISEUR, Robert (2012): «Forks impacts and motivations in free and open source projects». Disponible en: forks-2012.pdf.
WHEELER, David A. (2007): «Why Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS, FLOSS, or FOSS)? Look at the Numbers!». Disponible en: http://www.dwheeler. com/oss_fs_why.html#forking.
WINNER, Langdon (1987): La Ballena y el reactor: una búsqueda de los límites en la era de la alta tecnología, Barcelona, Gedisa.
Taravilla Herrera, J. (2015). Conflicts in Software: An Approach to the Incidence of Forking in Free Software Projects. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 5(1), 83–122. Retrieved from
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