Attitudes of teachers education centers to special education inclusion

  • M.ª del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino
    Universidad de Jaén mcpegala[at]
  • M.ª Jesús Colmenero Ruiz
    Universidad de Jaén


This research aims to analyze the attitudes and perceptions towards inclusive education teacher that practices in special education centers in Andalusia. The paper has used a descriptive methodology, a total of 428 participating teachers and using data collection a semi structured questionnaire developed ad hoc. The results show how teachers of special education centers in Andalusia consider inclusive education as a pillar in education, while defining the mode of schooling in special education institutions as an educational response to students aimed at improving their quality of life and achieve greater personal independence and function in daily life activities. They also consider that the students enrolled in these schools has higher educational needs in the field of health, cognitive and social. It stands out even the existence of statistically significant differences in attitudes and perceptions of teachers as they have developed or no practical training related to the field of inclusive education during their initial training, being more favorable in the case of those without such training. Thus, we want to know the perceptions of these teachers on inclusive education to establish proposals for improvement in teacher education that lead to the development of a process of quality teaching and learning for pupils with severe and permanent disabilities.
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Author Biographies

M.ª del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino

Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Pedagogía. Universidad de Jaén. Paraje de Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 – Jaén (España)

M.ª Jesús Colmenero Ruiz

Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Pedagogía. Universidad de Jaén. Paraje de Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 – Jaén (España)