Research in non verbal communication: a paradigma for the analysis of kinesic behavior of political leaders and for the determination of its strategic significance

  • María Hernández Herrarte
    Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes mhernandez[at]
  • Imelda Rodríguez Escanciano
    Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes


The present study reports a proposal of a methodology for the analysis of non verbal behaviour of a series of political representatives constantly exposed to the media. The proposal is intended to contribute to the progress of knowledge of kinesic behaviour (gestures, postures and ways) having as a main purpose the evaluation through descriptive analysis, of attitudes and feelings of politicians. It is comprised of a theoretical background where the non verbal communication and the kinesic behaviour definitions are detailed together with their constituent elements, and a methodology where the whole process is explained through content analysis: categorization, sampling, encoding and finally, a proposal of analysis card. with this work one tries to facilitate a methodological useful tool to all those experts been interested in the research of the meaning of the corporal communication of the political leaders transmitted across the media of social communication.
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Hernández Herrarte, M., & Rodríguez Escanciano, I. (2010). Research in non verbal communication: a paradigma for the analysis of kinesic behavior of political leaders and for the determination of its strategic significance. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 27(1), 61–94. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

María Hernández Herrarte

Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Información. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. C/Padre Julio Chevalier, n°2. 47012 - Valladolid (España)

Imelda Rodríguez Escanciano

Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Información. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. C/Padre Julio Chevalier, n°2. 47012 - Valladolid (España)