People with Intellectual Disability as Victims of Sexual Offences: An Invisible Reality

  • Aránzazu Vellaz Zamorano
    Universidad de Salamanca noreply[at]
  • Patricia Navas Macho
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Inés De Araoz Sánchez-Dopico
    Plena inclusión España


The following paper aims to analyze the provision of procedural accommodations during the legal process to victims of sexual abuse or sexual assault withan intellectual or developmental disability (IDD). It also examines the characteristics of victims with IDD and their aggressors, providing additional information on the reporting process. To this end, a total of 56 sentences resolved over a period of four years (2014-2018) were analyzed, extracting objective information regarding the most relevant aspects of the crime committed, the victim, the aggressor, and the legal process. The obtained results showed the existence of different obstacles that are still present in the Spanish jurisprudence, requiring an appropriate training for those working in the field of administration of justice: the victim declares repeatedly, especially when a crime of sexual assault is being judged, and without any type of accommodation or professional support. We also point out the need to evaluate the psychological consequences that the victim may experience, and to dispel myths regarding developmental disabilities that hinder access and participation in legal proceedings under equal conditions. 
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Vellaz Zamorano, A. ., Navas Macho, P. ., & De Araoz Sánchez-Dopico, I. (2021). People with Intellectual Disability as Victims of Sexual Offences: An Invisible Reality . Siglo Cero, 52(1), 7–26.

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