Studia Botanica

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Flora y vegetación cormofíticas de las comarcas zamoranas del Pan, Tera y Carballeda

  • Ramiro García Río
    IES Fray Andrés ?[at]
  • Florentino Navarro Andrés
    Universidad de Salamanca


A study of the vascular flora and vegetation of the province of Zamora (Spain) corresponding to the district of Tierra del Pan, Tera and Carballeda has been made. In which, this territory is constituted by socle of silica substrates and a sedimentay river basin with calcareous substrates. The bioclimatic study reveals the presence of several bioclimatic belts ranging from the superior mesomediterranean (some narrowings of the Duero river) the middle supramediterranean (the domineering), one tho the lower oromediterranean crest of the Cabrera Baja mountain range. The floristic catalogue comprising some 1359 taxa is deposited in the SALA Herbarium, outstanding several of then presenting a biogeographical interest as follows: Asplenium ruta-muraria, Barlia robertiana, Chaenorrhinum origanifolium, Festuca querana, Fritillaria lusitanica, Hippocrepis ciliata, Iris spuria, Marsilea strigosa, Nepeta aragonensis, N. sanabrensis, Ononis breviflora, Plantago scabra, Rhynchospora alba, Senecio minutus, Serratula monardii, Sideritis ebracteata, Vicia monantha, etc. Taxonomical, chorological, life-form spectra and migratory route are given here. The biogeographic study reveals that the zone studied encompasses the Castellano-Maestrazgo-Manchega province (Castellano duriense sector) and the Carpetano-Iberico-Leonesa province (Orensano-Sanabriense, Salmantino and Lusitano duriense sectors). The phytosociological study has allowed us to recognize a hundred associations. The Helianthemo angustati-Euphorbietum sulcatae is described provisionally. Are commented in the section dedicated to the synphytosociology a dozen series of vegetation detected in the territory.
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Author Biographies

Ramiro García Río

IES Fray Andrés
C/ Copa, 1. Puertollano. Ciudad Real. 13500. España

Florentino Navarro Andrés

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Salamanca.  Campus Miguel de Unamuno.  C/ Donantes de Sangre, s/n  - 37004 - Salamanca (España)