Studia Botanica

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Iberian endemic «apiaceae»: a reassessment for conservation purposes in Portugal

  • Ana Cristina Tavares
    University of Coimbra actavar[at]
  • Lígia Salgueiro
    University of Coimbra
  • Jorge Canhoto
    University of Coimbra
  • Jorge Paiva
    University of Coimbra


This work is part of a project on the in vitro and ex situ conservation of the Iberian endemic Apiaceae from Portugal and the biochemical characterization of their essential oils. Fourteen Iberian endemic taxa belonging to eleven genera are ascribed to Portugal. As a result of 152 field trips to 49 different locations (150 numbers collected) during six years (2005 to 2010), Bunium macuca subsp. macuca was not find yet. Thus, only 13 taxa could be studied from which Angelica pachycarpa, Daucus carota subsp. halophilus, Disthicoselinum tenuifolium and Seseli montanum subsp. peixotoanum were considered the priority taxa for conservation, as they are the four more vulnerable taxa in Portugal. The ex situ conservation of every Portuguese taxa in the COI Herbaria and in the Botanic Garden of Coimbra (seedbankIndex seminum and living collections) was acheived, being the more vulnerable also propagated and maintained through in vitro culture methods. An updated geographical distribution of the 13 Iberian endemic Apiaceae in Portugal, as well as the more indicated taxomic features to distinguish them is presented. A characterization of the habitats is also provided. Specific indications are expresed for some taxa, namely Angelica, Bunium, Conopodium, Daucus and Eryngium. Two taxonomic keys were described for the identification of the four native subspecies of Daucus carota and the two subspecies of Eryngium duriaei. These outcomes have the main purpose to gather taxonomic, environmental and biotechnological data to help the conservation of these important taxa both from a biological and economic perspective.
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Author Biographies

Ana Cristina Tavares

University of Coimbra
Centre of Pharmaceutical Studies. Department of Life Sciences. University of Coimbra. Ap. 3046. 3001-401 Coimbra (Portugal)

Lígia Salgueiro

University of Coimbra
Centre of Pharmaceutical Studies. Faculty of Pharmacy. Azinhaga de Santa Comba. University of de Coimbra. 3000-548 Coimbra (Portugal)

Jorge Canhoto

University of Coimbra
Centre for Functional Ecology. Department of Life Sciences. University of Coimbra. Ap. 3046. 3001-401 Coimbra (Portugal)

Jorge Paiva

University of Coimbra
Centre for Functional Ecology. Department of Life Sciences. University of Coimbra. Ap. 3046. 3001-401 Coimbra (Portugal)