Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

Possible baby theropod tracks at the Valdehijuelos tracksite (Soria, Spain)


The Valdehijuelos tracksite (Soria, Spain) has provided, in several isolated plaques, a significant number of tiny theropod footprints, between others with bigger size. The associated morphometric characteristics and relationships make them different from those of Grallator, Anchisauripus and Eubrontes ichnogenus, whose morphology is relatively similar and whose size, in some cases (Grallator), is also small. However, they appear to be quite similar to the big tracks around so it could be supposed to be the baby of the big trackmakers.
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Author Biographies

Carlos Pascual-Arribas

Real, 65. 42002 Soria (Soria)

Nieves Hernández-Medrano

Jorge Vigón, 37. 26003 Logroño (La Rioja)