Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

New dates from Las Cuestas I tracksite (Santa Cruz de Yanguas, Soria, España)


Las Cuestas I tracksite is one of the largest in Oncala Group. Almost 600 theropod, ornithopod and sauropod dinosaur tracks can be appreciated, as well as possible crocodile ones. Amongst them, the most abundant ones are those belonging to sauropods, which are mostly narrow trackway internal width, framed in the ichnogenus Parabrontopodus and another new ichnogenus not defined yet. Ornithopod footprints are related to Iguanodontipus ichnogenus, while those ones of theropods are not related to any specific ichnogenus due to their poor preservation. According to the findings, it is considered that the place was frequented by sauropods belonging to Diplodocoidea family and macronaria clade, by ornithopods of Camptosauridae family or medium sized iguanodonthides and theropods members of Megalosauridae and/or Ceratosauridae family.
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Author Biographies

Carlos Pascual Arribas

IES Margarita de Fuenmayor
I.E.S. Margarita de Fuenmayor. Alameda de A. Machado, s/n. 42100 Agreda - Soria (España)

Nieves Hernández Medrano

Jorge Vigón n.º 37, 4.º izq. Logroño. La Rioja (España)