Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

Anatomical difference between two morphotypes of “Allaeochelys” from Middle Eocene of Corrales (Zamora, España): a new turtle species, “Allaeochelys jimenezi” nov. sp.


The following study shows a systematic comparison between the pieces of Allaeochelys found in several outcrops belonging to two asynchronic areas (Middle Eocene, Corrales of Zamora, Spain). From the detailed analysis of the two morphotypes and the fact of the non coexistence of both in the inferior level, we deduced the adscryption of the deep side Allaeochelys to a new species, that we have determined as Allaeochelys jimenezi.
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Author Biographies

Luis Alonso Santiago

Avda. de Portugal, 75 (5.º B). 37005 Salamanca (España)

Luis Alonso Andrés

Avda. de Portugal, 75 (5.º B). 37005 Salamanca (España)