Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

New trackway of crocodile tracks in the Huértetes Alloformation of the Cameros Basin. "Barranco de Valdelavilla" tracksite (Valdelavilla, Soria, Spain)

  • Carlos Pascual Arribas
    IES Margarita de Fuenmayor capascual-1[at]
  • Nieves Hernández Medrano
  • Pedro Latorre Macarrón
    IES Castilla
  • Eugenio Sanz Pérez
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


The tracksite located in Barranco de Valdelavilla (Valdelavilla, Soria, Spain) had provided so far theropods, sauropods and pterosaurs tracks. It has now provided a new type of footprints, "cocodrile tracks", which represents the second important trackway found in the province of Soria (the first one is in Fuente Lacorte, Bretún). These footprints appear on sandy limestones from Huérteles Alloformation, which belongs to the Oncala group in the Cameros Basin, and it is estimated to exist since the Berrisian age. It is formed by 8 five fingered footprints from hands, well market, and 8 footprints of feet with four toes each. This morphology indicates that it was made by a medium crocodile, probably from the Goniopholidae family.
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Author Biographies

Carlos Pascual Arribas

IES Margarita de Fuenmayor
I.E.S. Margarita de Fuenmayor. Alameda de A. Machado, s/n. 42100 Agreda - Soria (España)

Nieves Hernández Medrano

Jorge Vigón n.º 37, 4.º izq. Logroño. La Rioja (España)

Pedro Latorre Macarrón

IES Castilla
IES Castilla. 42003 Soria (España)

Eugenio Sanz Pérez

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dpto. de Ingeniería y Morfología del Terreno. Esc. Téc. Sup. de Ingenieros de Caminos, C. y P. Ciudad Univ., s/n. 28040 Madrid (España)