Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

The homology of supramarginals in turtles (Reptilia: Chelonii)


Supramarginals in turtles are constant in their homologic quality and position. On that base the supramarginal scutes are usefull for phylogenetic analysis and taxonòmic interpretations. Priscochelys hegnabrunnensis n. gen. n. sp., the hitherto most old turtle founded of body remain was discovered in the Upper Muschelkalk of Hegnabrunn near Kulmbach in Upper Franconia. It is represented by a fragmentary left pleural plate IV from the carapace. This shell fragment differs from the related part from carapace of Proganochelys quenstedti Baur, 1887 in the development of five supramarginal plates instead of four. It is highly probable that the peripheral border of the carapace in Priscochelys consists of a partially double row of supramarginal plates.
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Author Biography

Hans-Volker Karl

University of Göttingen
Geoscience Centre of the University of Göttingen. Division Geo-Biology. Goldschmidt Str. 3. D-37077 Göttingen, Germany