Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

About the first occurrence of pseudosuchian body remains (Archosauria: Rauisuchidae) from the (Lower to middle Triassic) Chirotherian-Sandstone of Thuringia (SE Germany)


Moulds of osteoderms from a pseudosuchian reptile are described from the Lower to Lower Middle Triassic Thuringian Chirotherian Sandstone of Thuringia (SE Germany) and compared with the Anisian reptile Ticinosuchus. One of the imprints shows clear affinities to this rauisuchid genus.
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Author Biographies

Hans-Volker Karl

University of Göttingen
Geoscience Centre of the University of Göttingen. Division Geo-Biology. Goldschmidt Str. 3. D-37077 Göttingen, Germany

Gottfried Tichy

University of Salzburg
Department of Geography and Geology. Division Geology and Evolutionary Research. University of Salzburg. Hellbrunner Strase 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria.