Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

; Zoopaleopathology; Chelonia; Carettochelyidae (Allaeochelys); Pelomedusidae (Neochelys); Crocodylia (Iberosuchus); Pisces (Vixperca); Perissodactyla; prédation; traumatic injury; Middle Eocene; Zamora; Spain


The present study describes a series of injuries and pathological anomalies, detected in the fossile fauna of the Middle Eocen of Corrales del Vino (Zamora, Spain) including traumatic, infectious and congenital assumptions. Case n° 1 includes a description of a big size osteitis located in the diaphisis of a femur of Iberosuchus macrodon (Crocodylia: Sebecidae). In case n° 2 a clear malformation in the osteal sutures of a pigal plate of Allaeochelys jimenezi (Chelonia: Carettochelyidae) is described. Case n° 3 describes five plates from the chest and the back of Neochelys sp. (Chelonia: Pelomedusidae) with bites and erosions attributed to a crocodile attack. In case n° 4 a right almost complete collarbone of Hberosuchus is exposed with evident marks of depredation. In case n° 5 two fishbones of Vixperca corrochani (Pisces: Percoidea) with a couple of callus caused by fractures is presented. Case n° 6 shows the marks of a possible piogenic osteitis of bacterial origin which appears on the surface of the internal face of a metatarsian of Perissodactyla.
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Author Biographies

Luis Alonso Santiago

Avda. de Portugal, 75 (5.º B). 37005 Salamanca (España)

Luis Alonso Andrés

Avda. de Portugal, 75 (5.º B). 37005 Salamanca (España)