Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

“Obscure” references: a cautionary tale


Several concepts that have come to be significant in the interpretation of landforms and landscapes were first published in obscure local outlets, mentioned in passing, or tucked away in a large tome or in a footnote or appendix, before being revived or discovered anew and developed as part of the geomorphological canon. In some instances, the observations that led to new concepts were first aired decades or even centuries ago. But a new idea is a new idea, whenever it was discovered. Although the importance of testing and corroboration is not denied, natural justice surely calls for the recognition of those with whom the first glimmer of the various concepts originated.
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Author Biography

C. Rowl Twidale

University of Adelaide
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geology and Geophysics. The University of Adelaide, G.P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.