Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

The use of the Los Santos granite stone in Salamanca

  • Miguel López Plaza
    Universidad de Salamanca milplaz[at]
  • José Ignacio García De Los Ríos Cobo
  • Francisco Javier López Moro
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • María González Sánchez
  • Adolfo Carlos Iñigo Iñigo
    Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología
  • Santiago Vicente Tavera
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Emiliano Jiménez Fuentes


The still active Los Santos granite quarries, about 50 km to the south of Salamanca, have been documented as a source material for many historical buildings in Salamanca. The excellent conditions of the natural outcrops, together with activation of the Vía de la Plata Roman route, are essential factors in explaining the competitive use of the Los Santos granite. Two different granite facies, both belonging to the Spanish Central System Batholith, have been distinguished: an external facies made up of biotite (± muscovite) and cordierite-bearing porphyritic monzogranites, and an internal facies, consisting of biotite porphyritic monzogranites, the latter one containing about 15% of biotite in volume. Heterogeneities are shown by both granite in quarries and monuments, microgranular mafic enclaves being the most remarkable feature in the internal facies, whereas internal-flow structures appear to be common at the contact of two facies. Geochemical classification and chondrite-normalized trace element patterns allow the correspondence between some samples from monuments and quarries to be checked. The stone from Los Santos was used from Roman periods onwards, the Roman Bridge being an emblematic monument. Later, two periods were particularly relevant: 1) the sixteenth century, in which the granite was used for columns of many Renaissance style monuments, as well as for pavements and steps, and 2) the twentieth century, the granite being used for the foundations of new buildings, and as ashlar material where a replacement has been required. The Los Santos stone seems to have witnessed the urban development of the Salamanca city during the 50’s and early the 60’s, when many buildings outside the city centre were built, combining the “golden” sandstone and the granite itself, as a result of a renewed awareness of the monumentality of Salamanca.
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Author Biographies

Miguel López Plaza

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. Facultad de Ciencias. Plaza de los Caídos, s/n. 37008 Salamanca.

José Ignacio García De Los Ríos Cobo

SIEMCALSA. Valladolid. Incas, 5. 47008 Valladolid.

Francisco Javier López Moro

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. Facultad de Ciencias. Plaza de los Caídos, s/n. 37008 Salamanca .

María González Sánchez

IGME. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. Ríos Rosas, 23. 28003 Madrid.

Adolfo Carlos Iñigo Iñigo

Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología
IRNASA. Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología. Cordel de Merinas, 40-52. 37008 Salamanca (Unidad Asociada “Química del Estado Sólido”, IRNASA/CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca).

Santiago Vicente Tavera

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Estadística. Universidad de Salamanca. Espejo, 2. 37007 Salamanca (Unidad Asociada “Química del Estado Sólido”, IRNASA/CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca).

Emiliano Jiménez Fuentes

Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. Facultad de Ciencias. Plaza de los Caídos, s/n. 37008 Salamanca.