Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

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The Narcea Antiform Structure and its relation to the Western Cantabrian Zone thrust sheets. Part II: The Eastern Sector


In the eastern part of the Narcea Antiform, the Narcea Tectonic Window, only one cleavage developes, which is axial plane to vertical hinge folds. This foliation does not continue into the overlying unconformable Herrería Formation, Cambrian in age. The contact between these two formations is a fault running along the unconformity plane, which may produce spaced foliations in the hangingwall rocks at high angle with precambrian rocks cleavage.Both, fault and cleavage are due to a variscan deformation event, partition of the deformation occurs at the unconformity, revealing different theological behaviours and different original orientations. The limit between these western and the eastern units is a major thrust.The Somiedo Unit, the westernmost of the allochton ones in the Cantabrian Zone, has been known for long. It is formed by four main units, developed during the so called first thrust generation, which has a basal thrust, showing staircase trajectories, below the Láncara formation, except in the westernmost part of the unit where it deepens into the precambrian rocks, being the only part of the Cantabrian Zone where the rooting of this units can be seen. This ramp produces a culmination over it and causes the antiform. Another generation of thrusts can be seen, the second one, which crosscuts the first ones and affects not only Somiedo Unit but Narcea Antiform as well. The second generation ones do not depict staircase trajectories, listric ones are common, and have much less displacement than the first generation ones. These listric reverse faults modify the first generation pattern, and causes Narcea Antiform re-folding.The relations between all these units are complex, and a tentative correlation between the two deformation phases at the WALZ, and the first thrust generation, at the CZ, has been done. The second thrusting stage is responsible for the final disposition of structures at the CZ and the WALZ.
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