Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

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Biogeographic and Ecologic Patterns in Calcareous Nannoplankton in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans During the Terminal Cretaceous

  • Anders S. Henriksson
    Luleå Technical University ?[at]
  • Björn A. Malmgren
    University of Göteborg


Calcareous nannoplankton biogeography in the Cretaceous ocean has been analyzed from their floral composition at a time-slice spanning the upper parts of the Micula prinsii Zone (approximately the latest 10-60 kyr of the Cretaceous) at DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) sites from low (160) through middle (3 T) paleolatitudes in both the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere. The study is based on relative abundance data of 44 species at Sites 356, 525A, and 527 from the South Atlantic, Sites 384 and 548A from the North Atlantic, and Site 465A from the Pacific Ocean.
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