Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

Evolution of the contents in trace elements in the soils around the Monegrillo river (Embid de Ariza-Zaragoza)

  • J. Navarrete
    Universidad de Salamanca ?[at]
  • A. Gutiérrez Maroto
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • C. Fraile Ramos
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • R. Jiménez Ballesta
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The existence of numerous potential foci of pollution by dumpings from abandoned mines is of important environmental concern. This is the case of the River Monegrillo mineralizations (Embid de Ariza, Zaragoza, Spain.To investigate the possible impact of such pollution, IO samples of surface horizons of soils and alluvions have been analyzed. The elements determined were Cu, Pb an Zn, all of them presents in the mineralizations. For Cu, background values of 1218.3 ppm were obtained while for Pb and Zn these values were 21.4-34 ppm and 11.517.8 ppm. respectively. This prompted the evaluation of variables such as the alluvional character of the soil with constant washing; Iow organic matter content; basic-neutral pH; carbonate contents. The foregoing can explain the failure of heavy elements to accumulate in these soils even though they are affected by secondary dispersion of sulfide mineralizations. Thus, taking into account the edaphic characteristics of the soils it is possible to evaluate the incidence or not of effluent foci of this type.
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