Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

Strain analysis in two different cross-sections (Talas Ala Tau, Kyrgyzs Republic and Cantabrian Zone, NW of Spain). The relationship between lithology and strain

  • Daniel Pastor Galán
    Universidad de Salamanca dpastorgalan[at]
  • Gabriel Gutiérrez Alonso
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Patrick Meere
    University College of Cork
  • Kieran Mulchrone
    University College of Cork


The computer Strain Analysis methods developed by University College of Cork researchers have permitted a large number of analysis and the characterization of finite strain in two different regions with contrasting geodynamic scenarios: The Talas Ala Tau (Tien-Shan, Kyrgyzs Republic) and the Somiedo Nappe and Narcea Antiform (Cantabrian to West Asturian-Leonese Zone boundary, NW of Spain). The performed analysis have revealed low strain rates and the regional strain trend in both studied areas. This study has also investigated the relationships among the lithology, the used methods and the finite strain in order to know how the different methods applied and the different analysed lithologies could affect the obtained strain values. The results show that the two used measurement methods are comparable and that the absence of finite strain lithological control in rocks deformed under low metamorphic and low strain conditions.
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Author Biographies

Daniel Pastor Galán

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. 37008 Salamanca, España.

Gabriel Gutiérrez Alonso

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. 37008 Salamanca, España.

Patrick Meere

University College of Cork
University College of Cork. República de Irlanda.

Kieran Mulchrone

University College of Cork
University College of Cork. República de Irlanda