Studia Geologica Salmanticensia

Journal out of circulation

First carapace in anatomical connection of Allaeochelys casasecai. Cazurra: new locality of Eocene of Zamora (Spain)


Similar fossil fauna than the one found in the classic outcrops of Casaseca de Campeán and Corrales B (Mid section of the middle Eocene) has been found in the nearby village of Cazurra (Zamora, Spain). The finding of the first complete back of Allaeochelys casasecai, previously only known by disconected pieces, provides new data on its anatomy. The morphology of the plates corresponding to Allaeochelys jimenezi is also identical to those ones found in Casaseca de Campeán and Corrales B.
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Author Biographies

Luis Alonso Andrés

Avda. de Portugal, 75, 5.º B. 37005 Salamanca.

Emiliano Jiménez Fuentes

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Salamanca. Pl. de la Merced, 1. 37008 Salamanca, España.