«Your Body Must Be Heard»: The Post-Translation of the Female Body


This article is based on the premise that the body, as a semiotic system, can be translated (Vidal 2018; cfr. Barthes [1961] 2013). We will frame our analysis within the latest movements in Translation Studies, which offer more open and interdisciplinary approaches to translation activity and pave the way for post-translation research (Gentzler 2017; cfr. Bassnett 2012; Baker 2014). In the same way that Cixous ([1975] 1976) presented writing as the means for women to recover their own bodies, our hypothesis predicts that post-translation enables the subversion of the patriarchal narratives that are inscribed in said bodies. In order to verify this, we will develop a case study of the rewritings of the body in the novels El último patriarca (2008), La hija extranjera (2015a) and Madre de leche y miel (2018), all by Najat El Hachmi.
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