Teaching Interpreting in German-Spanish: Proposal of an Interactive and Situated Methodology with Elements of Gamification


For the effective preparation of future translation/interpreting professionals it is necessary not only to have a good domain of foreign languages and oral fluency, but also to know advanced translation strategies and trends adapted to current professional challenges. As the task of the social interpreter increasingly takes over the role of intercultural mediator, it is also necessary to develop additional social competences with elements of empathy, emotional control and self-intervention in high-pressure conditions. These skills prove to be of vital importance especially in cases of interpreting in social emergency situations (hospitals, psychiatric clinics, care of refugees, victims of gender-based violence, in penitentiary institutions, etc.). Advance practical training is most effective if the situation and the environment for learning foreign languages and interpreting are as close as possible to the real situation, e.g. during role-plays with theatrical attributes, special effects, transmission of one’s own experience and in staging. The fundament of such an interactive didactic approach with gamification elements is based on the latest developments in cognitive science and neurodidactics, which advocate embodied learning (Shapiro & Stolz 2019) as a motivating methodology (Grein 2021). This approach consists in offering learners practical experience: self-experience, being-in-the-real-world. This is in line with the theory of situated simulation (Barsalou 2020) and the need for learning embedded in the close-to-real context to achieve conceptual fluency (Danesi 2017). It also facilitates the effective terminology management (Faber 2022) necessary for the task of interpreting. After previous experience as a professional interpreter and teacher, it can be affirmed that the proposed methodology accelerates the development of the linguistic, social, terminological, empathic and emotional control skills necessary for future interpreters. It is an effective interactive and practical methodology oriented towards action and the promotion of new interpreting skills that represents a holistic process making use of the postulates of aesthetic didactics and ecological interpreting.
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