Developing and Using an Ad Hoc Corpus to Teach Specialized Interpreting: A Case Study of German Embassy Speeches
Abstract This article describes a corpus-based approach to specialized interpreter training, advocating for the compilation and use of ad hoc corpora to support trainers when developing training materials for specific domains. To do so, this article presents a case study to illustrate the utility and the subsequent analysis of an ad hoc corpus for specialized interpreting training, which is conceived of as a complement to current training practices for diplomatic interpreting. A specialized German language corpus of embassy speeches and interviews was compiled based on freely-available data and subsequently analyzed to identify genre- and domain-specific features of these types of addresses. By identifying discourse, text type, and specific terminology and expressions, trainers can develop domain- and genre-specific materials for training that align with the types of discourse that are likely to be encountered when working in these specialized domains. These materials can be used as part of courses in addition to self-study. This corpus-based approach to materials development can complement current training practices for specialized interpreting and enable authentic materials to be integrated into the interpreting classroom.
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Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A., Russo, M., Collard, C., & Defrancq, B. (2018). Building interpreting and intermodal corpora: A how-to for a formidable task. In M. Russo, C. Bendazzoli, & B. Defrancq (Eds.), Making way in corpus-based interpreting studies (pp. 21-42). Springer Singapore.
Bertozzi, M. (2018). ANGLINTRAD: Towards a purpose specific interpreting corpus. In C. Bendazzoli, M. Russo & B. Defrancq (Eds.) inTRAlinea special issue: New findings in corpus-based interpreting studies.
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Defrancq, B., Daems, J., & Vandevoorde, L. (2019). Reuniting the sister disciplines of translation and interpreting studies. In L. Vandevoorde, J. Daems, & B. Defrancq (Eds.), New empirical perspectives on translation and interpreting (pp. 1-10). Routledge.
Dingfelder Stone, M. (2015). (Self-)Study in Interpreting: Plea for a third pillar. In D. Andres & M. Behr (Eds.), To know how to suggest… – Approaches to teaching conference interpreting (pp. 243-255). Frank & Timme.
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Fantinuoli, C. (2018). The use of comparable corpora in interpreting practice and training. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, 23, 133-149.
Ferraresi, A. (2016). Intermodal corpora and the translation classroom: What can translation trainers and trainees learn from interpreting? Linguaculture, 2, 27-51.
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Gheorghiu, C. I. (2020). A taxonomic analysis proposal for research in diplomatic interpreting. Across Languages and Cultures, 21(1), 23-41.
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Hatim, B., & Mason, I. (1990). Discourse and the translator. Longman.
Herring, R. E., Swabey, L., Tiselius, E., & Motta, M. (2022). Re-examining «practice» in interpreter education. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 14(1), 82-88.
Igualada, M. T., & Echeverri, Á. (2019). Because something should change. Translator and interpreter training: Past, present and future. MonTI: Monografías de traducción e interpretación, 11, 9-28.
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Kade, O. (1968). Zufall und Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung. Verlag Enzyklopädie.
Kadrić, M., & Zanocco, G. (2018). Dolmetschen in Politik und Diplomatie. facultas.
Kadrić, M., Rennert, S., & Schäffner, C. (2022). Diplomatic and political interpreting explained. Routledge.
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Russo, M. (2019). Corpus-based studies in conference interpreting. Slovo.Ru, 10, 87-100.
Sandrelli, A. (2012). Interpreting football press conferences: The FOOTIE corpus. In Cynthia J. Kellett Bidol (Ed.), Interpreting across genres: Multiple research perspectives, 78-101. EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
Sawyer, D. B. (2016). The U.S. Department of State’s corps of student interpreters: A precursor to the diplomatic interpreting of today? In K. Takeda & J. Baigorri-Jalón (Eds.), New insights in the history of interpreting (pp. 99-133). John Benjamins.
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Thiéry, C. (2015). Diplomatic interpreting. In F. Pöchhacker (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies (pp. 107-108). Routledge.
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Van Besien, F. (1999). Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation. Meta, 44(2), 250-259.
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Wehrmeyer, E. (2019). A corpus for signed language interpreting research. Interpreting, 21(1), 62-90.
Wehrmeyer, E. (2021). Additions in simultaneous signed interpreting: A corpus-driven grounded study. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 16(3), 434-454.
Xu, R. (2018). Corpus-based terminological preparation for simultaneous interpreting. Interpreting, 20(1), 33-62.
Zanettin, F. (2012). Translation-driven corpora: Corpus resources for descriptive and applied translation studies. Routledge.
Andres, D. (2015). Memoirs. In F. Pöchhacker (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies (pp. 249-252). Routledge.
Baer, B. J., & Mellinger, C. D. (Eds.). (2020). Translating texts. An introductory coursebook on translation and text formation. Routledge.
Baigorri-Jalón, J., Fernández-Sánchez, M. M., & Payàs, G. (2021). Historical developments in conference interpreting: An overview. In M. Albl-Mikasa & E. Tiselius (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of conference interpreting (pp. 9-18). Routledge.
Bale, R. (2015). An evaluation of spoken corpus-based resources in undergraduate interpreter training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), 23-45.
Balogh, D. (2019). The role of genres and text selection in legal translator training. Studies in Logic, 58(1), 17-34.
Bax, S. (2011). Discourse and genre. Red Globe Press.
Bendazzoli, C. (2010). DIRSI – Directionality in simultaneous interpreting corpus. Web interface and corpus hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Bendazzoli, C., Russo, M., & Defrancq, B. (Eds.). (2018). Making way in corpus-based interpreting studies. Springer.
Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A., Russo, M., Collard, C., & Defrancq, B. (2018). Building interpreting and intermodal corpora: A how-to for a formidable task. In M. Russo, C. Bendazzoli, & B. Defrancq (Eds.), Making way in corpus-based interpreting studies (pp. 21-42). Springer Singapore.
Bertozzi, M. (2018). ANGLINTRAD: Towards a purpose specific interpreting corpus. In C. Bendazzoli, M. Russo & B. Defrancq (Eds.) inTRAlinea special issue: New findings in corpus-based interpreting studies.
Bhatia, V. K. (1993). Analyzing genre: Language use in professional settings. Longman.
Bhatia, V. K., Flowerdew, J., & Jones, R. H. (2008). Advances in discourse studies. Routledge.
Biel, Ł. (2018). Genre analysis and translation. In K. Malmkjaer (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of translation studies and linguistics (1st ed., pp. 151-164). Routledge.
Borja Albi, A., Juste Vidal, N., Ordóñez López, P., & Conde, T. (2014). A genre-based approach to the teaching of legal and business English: The GENTT specialized corpus in the LSP classroom. In E. Bárcena, T. Read, & J. Arús (Eds.), Languages for specific purposes in the digital era (pp. 177-196). Springer.
Borja, A., Izquierdo, I. G., & Montalt, V. (2009). Research methodology in specialized genres for translation purposes. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 3(1), 57-77.
Boulton, A. (2011). Data-driven learning: The perpetual enigma. In S. Goźdź-Roszkowski (Ed.), Explorations across Languages and Corpora (pp. 563-580). Peter Lang.
Bowker, L., & Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora. Routledge.
Braun, S. (2006). ELISA – a pedagogically enriched corpus for language learning purposes. In S. Braun, K. Kohn, and J. Mukherjee (Eds.), Corpus technology and language pedagogy: new resources, new tools, new methods (pp. 25-47). Peter Lang.
Braun, S., & Kohn, K. (2012). Towards a pedagogic corpus approach to business and community interpreter training. In B. Ahrens, M. Albl- Mikasa, & C. Sasse (Eds.), Dolmetschqualität in Praxis, Lehre und Forschung: Festschrift für Sylvia Kalina (pp. 185-204). Narr.
Buri, M. R. (2015). Interpreting in diplomatic settings.
Cabrera, T. (2016). Interpreting architecture: The ARCHINT corpus. Tradumàtica: Tecnologies de La Traducció, 14, 156-171.
Cáceres-Würsig, I. (2012). The jeunes de langues in the eighteenth century: Spain’s first diplomatic interpreters on the European model. Interpreting, 14(2), 127-144.
Chmiel, A. (2021). Effects of simultaneous interpreting experience and training on anticipation, as measured by word-translation latencies. Interpreting, 23(1), 18-44.
Danni, Y. (2020). A genre approach to the translation of political speeches based on a Chinese-Italian-English trilingual parallel corpus. SAGE Open, 10(2).
Dayter, D. (2020). Strategies in a corpus of simultaneous interpreting. Effects of directionality, phraseological richness, and position in speech event. Meta, 65(3), 594-617.
Defrancq, B., Daems, J., & Vandevoorde, L. (2019). Reuniting the sister disciplines of translation and interpreting studies. In L. Vandevoorde, J. Daems, & B. Defrancq (Eds.), New empirical perspectives on translation and interpreting (pp. 1-10). Routledge.
Dingfelder Stone, M. (2015). (Self-)Study in Interpreting: Plea for a third pillar. In D. Andres & M. Behr (Eds.), To know how to suggest… – Approaches to teaching conference interpreting (pp. 243-255). Frank & Timme.
Dontcheva-Navratilova, O. (2009). Interpersonal meanings in the genre of diplomatic addresses. Brno Studies in English, 35(2), 129-143.
Fantinuoli, C. (2018). The use of comparable corpora in interpreting practice and training. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, 23, 133-149.
Ferraresi, A. (2016). Intermodal corpora and the translation classroom: What can translation trainers and trainees learn from interpreting? Linguaculture, 2, 27-51.
Flowerdew, J. (2002). Genre in the classroom: A linguistic approach. In A. M. Johns (Ed.), Genre in the classroom: Multiple perspectives (pp. 91-102). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Gao, F., & Wang, B. (2021). Conference interpreting in diplomatic settings: An integrated corpus and critical discourse analysis. In C. Wang & B. Zheng (Eds.), Empirical studies of translation and interpreting (pp. 95-113). Routledge.
García Izquierdo, I. (2022). Genre and translation. In Encyclopedia of translation and interpreting (ENTI). Zenodo.
García Izquierdo, I., & Montalt i Resurrecció, V. (2021). Translating into textual genres. Linguistica Antverpiensia, new series – themes in translation studies, 1, 135-143.
Gheorghiu, C. I. (2020). A taxonomic analysis proposal for research in diplomatic interpreting. Across Languages and Cultures, 21(1), 23-41.
Gillies, A. (2013). Conference interpreting: A student’s practice book. Routledge.
Gillies, A. (2019). Consecutive interpreting: A short course. Routledge.
Gutenberg, N. (2000). Mündlich realisierte schriftkonstituierte Textsorten. In J. Darquennes & P. Epps (Eds.), Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of linguistics and communication science (HSK) (Vol. 1, pp. 574-587). De Gruyter.
Hatim, B., & Mason, I. (1990). Discourse and the translator. Longman.
Herring, R. E., Swabey, L., Tiselius, E., & Motta, M. (2022). Re-examining «practice» in interpreter education. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 14(1), 82-88.
Igualada, M. T., & Echeverri, Á. (2019). Because something should change. Translator and interpreter training: Past, present and future. MonTI: Monografías de traducción e interpretación, 11, 9-28.
James, C. (1989). Genre analysis and the translator. Target, 1(1), 29-41.
Kade, O. (1968). Zufall und Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung. Verlag Enzyklopädie.
Kadrić, M., & Zanocco, G. (2018). Dolmetschen in Politik und Diplomatie. facultas.
Kadrić, M., Rennert, S., & Schäffner, C. (2022). Diplomatic and political interpreting explained. Routledge.
Le, E. (2004). The role of paragraphs in the construction of coherence text linguistics and translation studies. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 42(3), 259-275.
Li, W. (2010). The functions and use of greetings. Canadian Social Science, 6, 56-62.
Lung, R. (2011). Interpreters in early imperial China. John Benjamins.
Niemants, N. S. A. (2012). The transcription of interpreting data. Interpreting, 14(2), 165-191. John Benjamins.
Nolan, J. (2005). Interpretation: Techniques and exercises. Multilingual Matters.
Olsen, B. S., Liu, H., & Viaggio, S. (2021). Diplomatic conference interpreting. In The Routledge handbook of conference interpreting (pp. 67-79). Routledge.
Rodríguez Melchor, M. D., Horváth, I., & Ferguson, K. (2020). The role of technology in conference interpreter training. Peter Lang.
Roland, R. A. (1999). Interpreters as diplomats: A diplomatic history of the role of interpreters in world politics. University of Ottawa.
Russo, M. (2019). Corpus-based studies in conference interpreting. Slovo.Ru, 10, 87-100.
Sandrelli, A. (2012). Interpreting football press conferences: The FOOTIE corpus. In Cynthia J. Kellett Bidol (Ed.), Interpreting across genres: Multiple research perspectives, 78-101. EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
Sawyer, D. B. (2016). The U.S. Department of State’s corps of student interpreters: A precursor to the diplomatic interpreting of today? In K. Takeda & J. Baigorri-Jalón (Eds.), New insights in the history of interpreting (pp. 99-133). John Benjamins.
Schäffner, C. (1998). Hedges in political texts: A translational perspective. In L. Hickey (Ed.), The pragmatics of translation (pp. 185-202). Multilingual Matters.
Seeber, K. (2017). Conference Interpreting: A Trainer’s Guide by R. Setton and A. Dawrant. AIIC Webzine, 70, 10-15.
Setton, R., & Dawrant, A. (2016). Conference interpreting: A trainer’s guide. John Benjamins.
Swales, J. (1990). Genre analysis. English in academic and research settings. Cambridge University Press.
Thiéry, C. (2015). Diplomatic interpreting. In F. Pöchhacker (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies (pp. 107-108). Routledge.
Tiselius, E. (2018). Deliberate practice: The unicorn of translation studies. In U. Wienen, S. Hansen-Schirra, M. Schreiber, M. Krein-Kühle, & B. Ahrens (Eds.), Translation – Didaktik – Kompetenz (pp. 131-144). Frank & Timme.
Trosborg, A. (Ed.). (2000). Analysing professional genres. John Benjamins.
Van Besien, F. (1999). Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation. Meta, 44(2), 250-259.
Vandepitte, S. (2001). Anticipation in conference interpreting: A cognitive process. Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 14, 323-335.
Wang, B. (2015). Bridging the gap between interpreting classrooms and real-world interpreting. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 7(1), 65-73.
Wang, B., & Tang, F. (2020). Corpus-based interpreting studies in China: Overview and prospects. In K. Hu & K. H. Kim (Eds.), Corpus-based translation and interpreting studies in Chinese contexts: Present and future (pp. 61-87). Springer.
Wehrmeyer, E. (2019). A corpus for signed language interpreting research. Interpreting, 21(1), 62-90.
Wehrmeyer, E. (2021). Additions in simultaneous signed interpreting: A corpus-driven grounded study. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 16(3), 434-454.
Xu, R. (2018). Corpus-based terminological preparation for simultaneous interpreting. Interpreting, 20(1), 33-62.
Zanettin, F. (2012). Translation-driven corpora: Corpus resources for descriptive and applied translation studies. Routledge.
Balakhonov, V., & Mellinger, C. D. (2023). Developing and Using an Ad Hoc Corpus to Teach Specialized Interpreting: A Case Study of German Embassy Speeches. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 9(2), 135–159.
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