Profane Relative Clauses in Spanish: The Combination of <Relative + Interjective noun>


In Spanish, some wh-relative pronouns and adverbs can be modified by an interjective noun in subjunctive free relative clauses with unspecific interpretation, such as the one underlined in Tiene que mantenerlo su papá, o los guerrillos, o a quien carajo le corresponda ‘He has to be supported by his dad, or the guerrillas, or whoever the hell is responsible for him’. This paper offers data that support the above generalisation. An analysis is proposed that accounts for the syntactic and semantic properties of Spanish wh-the hell relatives. It is proposed, in particular, that the interjection is an expressive modifier which makes explicit an attitude of the speaker which consists in considering himself incapable of identifying the reference of the free relative, which makes it possible to relate these structures to the wh-the hell interrogatives.
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