Towards Horizontal Relationships: Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism
Abstract This paper introduces anarcha-Indigenism and a decolonial animal ethic as emerging decolonial frameworks. Anarcha-Indigenism represents an intersection between Indigeneity, anarchism, environmentalism, Indigenous feminism, and other liberation movements as a promising decolonial framework that could initiate transcultural cooperation of diverse justice groups that are committed to change that would ensure the peaceful co-existence of diverse species and ecosystems on Earth. The article introduces anarcha-Indigenism and its primary principles and roots, discusses its potential and analyses some major challenges that anarcha-Indigenism faces. It expands the discussion by introducing Billy-Ray Belcourt?s decolonial animal ethic that connects (de)colonization of Indigenous peoples with (de)colonization of non-human animals. Special attention is paid to perspectives of some prominent Indigenous vegans. Finally, the role of artivism and imagination in decolonization is discussed. The article posits that anarcha-Indigenism needs to include human treatment of non-human animals in the discussion if it strives to establish non-hierarchical interrelations, and that decolonization has to always be at the movement?s core.
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Aragorn!. “Locating An Indigenous Anarchism.” Green Anarchy, no. 19, 2005, pp. 1-7.
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Becket, Camilla Denton and James Becket, directors. “The Seeds of Vandana Shiva.” Becket Films, 2020.
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Clark, Brett. “The Indigenous Environmental Movement in the United States: Transcending Borders in Struggles Against Mining, Manufacturing, and the Capitalist State.” Organization & Environment, vol. 15, no. 4, 2002, pp. 410-442.
CACAO. Comer es Rebeldía Vol. II. La Alimentación como Arte de la Resistencia. Editorial CatorceFuerzas, 2018.
Coulthard, Glen. “Place Against Empire: Understanding Indigenous Anti-Colonialism.” Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action, vol. 4, no. 2, 2010, pp. 79-83.
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“Germany: Zapatistas meet with Kurdish women.” MedyaNews, 29 Sep. 2021,
Gunn Allen, Paula. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Open Road, 1992.
Joy, Melanie. Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism, Conari, 2010.
Justice, Daniel H. Why Indigenous Literatures Matter, Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2018.
Kay, Justin. “Vegan-Washing Genocide: Animal advocacy on Stolen Land and Re-imagining Animal Liberation as Anti-colonial Praxis.” Anarchist Political Ecology - Volume 1: Undoing Human Supremacy, edited by S. Springer, M. Locret-Collet, J. Mateer, & M. Acker, 2021, pp. 1-42.
LaDuke, Winona. “An Indigenous Perspective on Feminism, Militarism, and the Environment.” Peace Now, vol. 4, no. 4, 1994, n.p.
Lagalisse, Erica M. “‘Marginalizing Magdalena’: Intersections of Gender and the Secular in Anarchoindigenist Solidarity Activism.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 36, no. 3, 2011, pp. 653-678.
Lasky, Jacqueline. “Indigenism, Anarchism, Feminism: An Emerging Framework for Exploring Post-Imperial Futures.” Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action, vol. 5, no. 1, 2011, pp. 3-36.
Lewis, Adam G. “Anti-State Resistance On Stolen Land: Settler Colonialism, Settler Identity and the Imperative of Anarchist Decolonization.” New Developments in Anarchist Studies, edited by Jeff Shantz, Punctum, 2015, pp. 145-186.
Nelson, Melissa K. “Education for the Eighth Fire.” EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet, edited by Erik Assadourian and Lisa Mastny, Island Press, 2017, pp. 49-60.
Pietrowski, Alex. “Propaganda Gardening – The Evolution of Revolution.” Activist Post, 13 March 2013,, Accessed 20 Nov 2020.
Pillet, Benjamin. “Anarcho-Indigenism: Canadian Anti-Colonialism in the 21st Century.” Conference Paper. July 2016.
Powell, Dylan. “Veganism in the Occupied Territories: Anti-Colonialism and Animal Liberation.” Resistance Ecology, no. 1, 2013, pp. 16-24.
Robinson, Margaret. “Veganism and Mi’kmaq Legends.” The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. XXXIII, no. 1, 2013, pp. 189-196.
Shilton, Dor. “Rojava: The radical eco-anarchist experiment betrayed by the West, and bludgeoned by Turkey.” Ecologise, 27 Oct. 2019,, Accessed 20 Nov. 2020.
Shiva, Vandana. Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. Sound End, 1999.
Yasar, Melike. “Liberando la vida: la revolución de las mujeres.” Talk in La Cosecha, San Cristóbal de las Casas, 28 Sept. 2019.
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