The Temporality in the Poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Octavio Paz


In french symbolism, poetry –envisioned as a musical constellation– intensifies its ideographic nature to denote sensation through an ascending rhythm from the ephemeral to eternity. Juan Ramón’s Espacio recreates this symbolist perception of the instant to capture the poetic harmony between consciousness and the cosmos. Octavio Paz’s Blanco contributes to expand the poetics of the instant by means of its affiliation with haiku in eastern philosophy and the idea of the poem as a return to the origin.
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Fuentes Ríos, A. (2011). The Temporality in the Poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Octavio Paz. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 1, 159–184. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Arantxa Fuentes Ríos

University of Richmond
28 Westhampton Way. University of Richmond, VA 23173 – Virginia (Estados Unidos)