The Influence of the Syriac Literature on the Old Oriental Slavonic Literatures


Arising from the range of influence of the Byzantine Empire, Syriac literature and the literature of eastern Slavs have a lot more in common than might be initially imagined. The influence of the works of both Saint ephrem the Syrian and Saint Isaac the Syrian on medieval Russian writers was especially important.
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Alvarado Socastro, S. (2011). The Influence of the Syriac Literature on the Old Oriental Slavonic Literatures. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 1, 135–157. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Salustio Alvarado Socastro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Filología Románica, Filología Eslava y Lingüística General. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filología. Edificio D 2ª planta, despacho 2.341.0. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid (España)