A Personal History of the «American Hour» of Comparative Literature: Claudio Guillén in Conversation with Harry Levin


In this essay I examine the unpublished correspondence between Harry Levin and Claudio Guillén from 1956 to 1992. I also review Guillén’s proposal for the Ph. D. Degree in Comparative Literature at UC San Diego, a 21-page document he submitted in 1968, three years after the first ACLA report, also known as the Levin report. In the first section of this essay I argue that their letters evidence the existence of diverging views, as early as the mid-1960s, on the nature of a discipline that had been recently institutionalized in the United States. I then look at how Guillén’s relationship to Levin changed significantly after Guillén abandoned Harvard to work in the Spanish public university system in the mid-1980s. In the third and final section I examine Guillén’s prologue to the second edition of Entre lo uno y lo diverso (2005), in which he described his Spanish experience as a failed attempt to spread comp lit in his country. This prologue was published only two years before Guillén passed away in 2007.
  • Referencias
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LEVIN, Harry. Letter to Claudio Guillén. 1 Apr. 1959b. TS. Harry Levin Papers, 19201995 (MS Am 2461). Houghton Library, Harvard University.

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Pérez-Simón, A. (2015). A Personal History of the «American Hour» of Comparative Literature: Claudio Guillén in Conversation with Harry Levin. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 4, 295–312. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1616_Anuario_Literatura_Comp/article/view/13013


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Author Biography

Andrés Pérez-Simón

University of Cincinnati
Department of Romance Languages & Literatures. University of Cincinnati, 709C Old Chem Building ML 0377 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0377, Estados Unidos