The Figure of Dostoyevski’s Idiot and its Literary and Cinematographic Rewritings


This paper proposes an approach to the literary and cinematographic rewritings of Dostoyevski’s figure of the «idiot». For this purpose and as a previous stage we define the different meanings of the term «idiot», we survey the history and evolution of the word and we analyse the character’s morphology in the novel of the Russian writer. Then we make a review of the different rewritings, analysing their relationships with the original hypotext.
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Andrade Boué, P. (2015). The Figure of Dostoyevski’s Idiot and its Literary and Cinematographic Rewritings. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 4, 129–151. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pilar Andrade Boué

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Filología Francesa. Edificio D (Despacho 304), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 – Madrid, España