Silver Cutleries of 18th Century: Some technical aspects with examples from National Museum of Decorative Arts


The great development in terms of typology and decoration that can be recognized in the European arts of the 18th century turns out particularly distinguished in silverwork. New table manners, which had been introduced from the end of the previous century, generated an increase in the number of pieces of presentation and the refinement in the production process of certain elements as the cutleries. With sprucer and smarter finishes, spoons, forks and knives, already considered as a whole set, diversified its variants abundantly during the 18th century, especially in the French production centers.
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Alonso Benito, J. (2018). Silver Cutleries of 18th Century: Some technical aspects with examples from National Museum of Decorative Arts. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 19, 83–104.


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