From Tax Farmers to Provincial Administrators: an Approach to the Bureaucratization of the Spanish Tobacco Monopoly during the First Half of the 18th Century


This paper studies, through 17 case studies, which were the socioeconomic features of the provincial administrators of the Spanish Royal tobacco Monopoly, at the time of its transition from a tax-farming scheme to a bureaucratic one. Considering the wide range of situations that this brief prospect lets to make out, we may realize besides how those provincial administrators generally were small businessmen who acted from within intricate social networks, in which the financial, administrative and political activities intertwined.
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Escobedo Romero, R. (2011). From Tax Farmers to Provincial Administrators: an Approach to the Bureaucratization of the Spanish Tobacco Monopoly during the First Half of the 18th Century. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 10, 149–165. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rafael Escobedo Romero

Universidad de Navarra
Departamento de Historia. Universidad de Navarra. 31080 Pamplona (España)