Notes on Two Broken Tablets from Pylos
Resumen The excellent observation of M. S. Ruipérez1 (and of Ventris and Chadwick) that the two tablets PY Sn64 and An2l8 are parts of a single record has led to a re-examination of the classification which separated them, the copies and the texts, and the photographs.
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Artículos más leídos del mismo autor/a
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, Linear B-abel. Notes on the transcription of the Mycenaean ideograms , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 8 Núm. 1 (1963)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, Textual Notes: PY An607 , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 7 Núm. 1 (1961)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, A List of Corrections , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 4 (1956)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, A Strange «Linear A» Wine-Measure , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 18 (1983)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, Linear B Sematographic Signs. Discussion , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 11 (1972)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, Junctions of Fragments of Minoan Inscriptions in , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 3 (1954)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett, Statistical Notes on the Sign-groups from Pylos , Minos: Revista de Filología Egea: Vol. 1 (1951)
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