The pedagogist Luis Álvarez Santullano


«Intellectual polifacethic, who dedicated his time as a literary critic, the creation of the narrative and pedagogy». This pedagogist of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza in his correspondence with Unamuno, centralized especially in issues deriving from his position as a primary school inspector in the district depending on the rector of Salamanca. In this information is provided about some aspects of the educational administration and about people, interesting for Unamuno biography. Likewise about Santullano’s activities as initiator of the expeditions of teachers from the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios. The epistolary relationship, never exempt from the maximum esteem, becaomes friendly and even familiary.
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Author Biography

Etelvino González López

Fundación José Barreiro
Fundación José Barreiro, Santa Teresa, 20 – 33005 – Oviedo (España)