The presence of young Unamuno in the essays «En torno al casticismo» (or the reasons why we must carry out a diachronic evolutionary study of his work)


We will manage to understand Unamuno’s works better if we see them as the resulting products of a spiral and not as linear creative process. Only by understanding his fundamental concepts as a re-interpretation of his previous, primary essential ones, will we be able to grasp the new concepts in their full dimension. This is precisely the case of «tradition or eternal caste». The interpretation of this concept has not gone beyond the metaphors used by the author himself. However, if we consider the underlying fundamental theses proposed by young Unamuno in the essays «En torno al casticismo», this concept of «tradition or eternal caste» makes perfect sense. It is through a hermeneutic analysis of this concept that we intend to highlight the importance of knowing the previous intellectual universe from which all of his work stems, studying it from a diachronic and evolutionary point of view, so that we can get to understand it in its full meaning.
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Author Biography

Eugenio Luján Palma

IES La Sisla
IES La Sisla. C/ San Gregorio s/n, Sonseca – Toledo (España)