A Game of Existence: The Woman as “Self” and “Other” in the Literary Works of Miguel de Unamuno

  • Katrine Helene Andersen
    Universidad de Copenhague


  According to Unamuno himself, the women pass silently through his work. Even so, the present study shows that the female characters claim a central function in the literary work of the author as well as a privileged position in his philosophy of existence. It is argued that Unamuno’s philosophy of existence plays out as a game of existence in which the «self» depends on the presence of an «other». The women in La tía Tula, Dos madres y El marqués de Lumbría are in control of this game and create their own necessary other in correspondence with their inner self, which in Unamuno is defined as the desire to be, in this case to be a mother. The mothers establish correspondence between their inner desire and the phenomenal world, while the men appear as mere instruments in the game of the women.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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