Correspondence between Miguel de Unamuno and Joaquín Montaner

  • Josefina de Tarín-Iglesias
  • Laureano Robles
    Universidad de Valencia


This correspondence consists of 52 letters, 19 written by Unamuno and 33 by Joaquín Montaner, and took place between 1911 and 1933. The letters were unknown untin now and belonged to the widow of José Tarín Iglesias. Joaquín Montaner Castro, although born in Extremadura —in Villanueva de la Serena— lived in Catalonia since his father was Governor of Gerona during the Restoration years. Joaquín Montaner was outstanding as a poet, writer and translator of the work of Maragall to Spanish. The letters published here ara a living document for approaching the Catalanism and Catalonian culture during that period.
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Laureano Robles

Universidad de Valencia
Avd de la Universitat, s/n, 46100 Burjasot, Valencia