An unpublished text by Unamuno: «El reinado social de Jesucristo»


The text in question is unfinished, written in 1898 during the Cuban-Philippine Crisis, a text a that should form part of Chapter VI of the Meditaciones evangélicas. In it, Unamuno gives us a picture of the so-called «Christian Socialism», a true condemnatory indictment of war, militarism, and jingoism based on the Gospels, where the kingdom of Jesus, which blesses flags for war, distorts the concept «Thou shalt not kill». The Meditaciones evangélicas, moreover, are the precursor to Del sentimiento trágico.
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Author Biography

Laureano Robles

Universidad de Valencia
Avd de la Universitat, s/n, 46100 Burjasot, Valencia