Unamuno's philosophy: Mystical implications and conclusions


The desire of immortality is the central crux of unamunian philosophy. Being founded on Reason, which denies the existence of God, the aim of the world, and the possibility of survival of the soul, science does not satisfy such a longing. On the other hand, the will does not surrender, and desperately fights against Reason. The outcome of this fight is Faith. which solicits the existence of a God warrantor for the immortality of the soul. The critics were not deceived in emphasising the sources on which Unamuno draws to elaborate his philosophy. Our work aims to insert, among the main sources, the Spanish mystics of the Golden Century: Juan de la Cruz and Teresa de Avila. Much common ground can be found both in Unamuno and in the mystics. Aboye all the necessity of love which, showing primarily for men, constitutes a secure way to God. Love is the novelty that could solve the clash between reason and will.
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Author Biography

Mario Secchi

Instituto Universitario Italiano de Rosario
Vírasoro 1249 (entrada por Entre Ríos 2883) - S2001ODA - Rosario - Santa Fe