Defeat of the Quest's Protagonist (Unamuno: Intimate Journal" 1897)


ABSTRACT: The Diary of 1897, acknowledged testimony of Don Miguel's authentic effort to recover the Catholic faith and of his final failure, didn't seem to contribute to an explanation of his definitive insertion into Christian culture despite his insatisfaction with Christian churches and theologies, nor of his agonic postulation of the "will to believe". Having been responsible for the discovery of this spiritual autobiography ancl for having underscored the anthropological value of the "will to believe", we advance a re-reading which, by avoiding a hasty tabulation of his ideas alongside systematic definitions, tries to understand his human experience because otherwise it isn't possible to evaluate properly formulations born from that experience. Taken into consideration the apparent factors of the failure, the unquestionable authenticity of Unamuno's personal response looms clearly within his historical circumstances and, challenging our present, even beyond them.
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