La fe que brota de la esperanza. (Valoración teológica de la concepción unamuniana de la fe)


ABSTRACT: This article presents the conception of faith according to Miguel de Unamuno in an open and creative dialogue with catholic theology. While for Unamuno faith would spring from searching and hoping in life, on the contrary, for catholic theology, it is faith that would lead us to hope. The dialogue between both points of view becomes abundant and enriching. There is an interrelation between every different aspect of reality. If God is a creation of men, on the other hand, men is a creation of God; if hope requires of a seriously established faith, it is not less true that a faith, that does not integrate the hopes and desires of men, lacks of sense. This interrelation is basic to understand two key aspects of faith according to Unamuno: faith as creation, and doubt as an element of faith.
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