The tragic Portuguese .jewish in Amsterdam. The Spinozistdoctrine of «conatus» in Unamuno's. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida


ABSTRACT: The presence of Spinoza in Unamuno from the point of view of the concept ,,conatus» acquire special relevance in relation ot the idea of immortality. Taking this concept as a starting point, Unamuno subjects it to a subtle interpretation oriented towards philosophically strengthening his own particular way of viewing the final destiny of Man and his relation to God. At the same time, Unamuno tries to mark off his conception from that of Spinoza's from the point of view, above all, of what he understands as the lirnits of reason.
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Author Biography

Mariano Álvarez Gómez

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Filosofía. Edificio F.E.S. Campus Miguel de Unamuno 37007 Salamanca