About the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Criminal Liability

  • Borja Llonín Blasco
    Universidad de Deusto


Artificial intelligence and robotics offer many opportunities for the development of society but, at the same time, they can also generate certain risks that need to be addressed by the law. The European Union is making a great effort to regulate artificial intelligence in a preventive way, ensuring that fundamental rights and EU values are safeguarded. This effort is reflected in criminal law, which is responsible for regulating the most serious attacks on fundamental rights that are intended to be protected by the legislator. More specifically, this article sets out the relationship between compliance programmes and measures to prevent risks arising from artificial intelligence
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Llonín Blasco, B. (2023). About the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Criminal Liability. Revista Sistema Penal Crítico, 3, 27–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/2697-0007/article/view/31474