Organizational culture and the innovation and change processes: the relation-ship of human resources and artificial intelligence

  • Alexsandra de Matos Gil
    Facultade Ateneu alexsgil[at]
  • Brenno Anderson Azevedo Rodrigues
    Facultade Ateneu
  • Patricia Maia Cordeiro Dutra
    Facultade Ateneu


The objective of this article is to maximize efficiency in the area of Human Resources through Artificial Intelligence and interculturality. The general objective of the research was to verify the perceived advantages in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Human Resources sector with the benefit of improving intercultural relations. The research method sought the ethnographic anthropological environment based on the study of the hermeneutics of culture and identity with a focus on organizational culture, through bibliographical research, of a qualitative nature. In this study, one can see the change in HR with the arrival of new technologies, their new positions and new roles in organizations. Consolidated the internationalization of the market, people from different cultures are increasingly in negotiations or in the routine of work. Artificial intelligence allows the use of communication resources to facilitate the spread of new cultures and the interaction between people. With the optimization of bureaucratic activities, it is assumed that it is more feasible for HR to invest in human development and intercultural exchanges, aiming at improving the quality of relations at work. Learning, cultural exchanges and new attitudes toward the different, which are fostered within organizations, can go beyond their limits and become behavior that is expressed outside the company and influences the social interpersonal relationships of employees. This possibility would be a resource for the diffusion of a culture of flexibility and acceptance of the different in society.
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