Surplus Population, Migration and Structural Violence: Central American Migrants Illegalized Workers in Transit Through Mexico


The flows of Central American migrants in transit through Mexico to the United States have increased in recent years. Consequently, they constitute one of the largest populations of Hispanic origin in the United States since 2017. The dominant narrative in the newspaper headlines, declarations of Civil Associations, Non-governmental organizations, of politicians and, even, in the academy, point out that these displacements are mainly due to poverty, lack of local opportunities, political instability, emphasizing violence as the main engine of this increase. However, such narratives omit the historical background of these migratory flows. In this paper, I argue that violence, poverty, guerrillas, etc., analyzed in isolation, do not fully explain the exacerbation of migration, rather, they are the background of structural factors and processes of accumulation by dispossession in the region. From a perspective of the political economy of migrations, I conceive migration originating in Central America as one of the expressions of the production of relatively surplus populations in this region. I refer to some key historical junctures that precede these recent flows, resulting from political, economic, and military interventions. Based on interviews conducted in a shelter considered a «transit» in Apizaco, Tlaxcala, (Mexico) I analyze the way in which these workers have been expelled from their countries of origin and absorbed as cheap labor in the us economy. These migrant illegalized workers have also become a highly exploitable labor force in transit through Mexico.
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