Continuities and transformations of the Ivaviyú community in Paraguay in the 21st century


Paraguay has several ethnic groups, among them, the Ava Guaraní. The present work focuses on making an ethnographic study of the most traditional community of the Ava Guaraní, according to contemporary testimonies, the Ivaviyú, (means mature fruit) located in the Canindeyú, in the district of Yasy Cañy (hidden moon). The method used to study is the participant observation, bibliographic tracking and biographies. The general objective is to investigate the transformations and the continuities of the community. To study how the social, economic and political pressures have impacted and continue to impact the life of the Ivaviyú indigenous community. As a starting hypothesis, it is argued the state and economic pressures from foreign companies, especially Brazilian ones, have been a real challenge for survival as a community. Moreover, despite the problems they have with land grabbing, deforestation, the indifference of the different governments and the violation of their rights, they try to maintain their culture and customs and, ultimately, continue to be Avá Guaraníes.
  • Referencias
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