Gender, symbolic violence and cognition in preschool girls and boys. An approach from anthropology


The results of field research on gender socialization in preschool girls and boys are presented. It is discussed how this process involves the exercise of symbolic violence by educational institutions. For example, through continuous segregation by sex. It also describes and analyzes the social behavior of infants concerning the patterns they follow according to their genders, such as aggression and stereotypical use of the objects that make up the school universe, as well as their perceptions of the constitution on their own of their gender and that of others. It is concluded that the phenomenon of gender-building, in school contexts, not only involves cognitive, subjective, and abstract processes but involves concrete actions and practices that translate into inequities among girls and boys.
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Author Biography

Rosa Icela Ojeda Martínez

Cátedras CONACyT Escuela de Antropología e Historia del Norte de México
Dra. Rosa Icela Ojeda Martínez Profesora-investigadora Posgrado en Antropología Social Escuela de Antropología e Historia del Norte de México Calle 5 de febrero e Instituto Politécnico Nacional #301, Col. Guadalupe C.P. 31410 Chihuahua, Chih. México